Venus Legacy is FDA-approved for facial wrinkles. It works to tighten sagging skin and improve overall skin quality through a combination of multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed magnetic field treatments. Venus Legacy’s is very effective at reducing wrinkles and creating a more youthful facial appearance.

Venus Legacy™ is a non-invasive device that uses multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields to create a therapeutic heat matrix over the skin. It creates a thermal reaction under the tissue that stimulates the body’s natural healing response, increasing blood circulation and causing the skin to contract. This results in a reduction of cellulite, noticeable tightening of the skin, and even a decrease in localized fat deposits. The treated area will immediately look smoother and firmer.

Limited Special

One Venus Legacy RF Skin Tightening Treatment For Full Face
Regular Price: $168
First Time Trial Price: $99
Package Price: $1980/20 sessions

Venus Legacy™ features four applicators: OctiPolar™ and 4D Body for larger areas, and DiamondPolar™ and 4D Face for smaller areas. All four applicators are powered by proprietary (MP)2 technology with the synergistic combination of Multi-Polar Radio Frequency (RF) and Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF). The OctiPolar™ and DiamondPolar™ applicators are indicated for wrinkle reduction treatments*, which leads to tightening of the skin. The 4D Body applicator is equipped with novel VariPulse™ technology, which makes it highly effective for cellulite reduction*.

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One Venus Legacy RF Skin Tightening Treatment For Full Neck
Regular Price: $160
First Time Patient Price: $99
One Venus Legacy RF Skin Tightening Treatment For Full Face + Neck
Regular Price: $320
First Time Patient Price: $198
One Venus Legacy RF Skin Tightening Treatment For Body(One Large Area)
Regular Price: $300
First Time Patient Price: $198
*Call us for free consultation and extra discount for package purchase~

Clinical Results

venus_legacy_2_before venus legacy 2 after
cellulite 2 before cellulite 2 after