Hydrating Facial
Hydrating facials revitalize the complexion by cleansing and hydrating the skin
Hydrating facial treatment will help you nourish and reinvigorate the layers of your skin that have become dehydrated, dry, and flaky. Our hydrating spa facial promotes renewal and healing through skin exfoliation. This means that the top layer of old, dead skin will be gently removed from your face to reveal youthful, vibrant, and hydrated skin underneath.
Our hydrating facial treatment is designed to nourish your skin on a deeper level. By promoting exfoliation, our hydrating facial helps to provide long lasting results that will only improve with additional treatments. Once the top layer of debris and dead skin cells is removed, the exfoliation process helps stimulate new skin cells, revealing beautiful, young-looking skin. A hydrating facial can help:
- Gently exfoliate your skin to remove dirt and debris
- Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Promote anti-aging and renewal
- Provide hydration to dry, flaky, skin

- Hydration=Less Irritation: moisture is locked in with this facial and allows the skin to heal and repair over time.
- Improved Skin Tone & Texture: exfoliation does its job without stripping your face of necessary moisture and oil. With dead skin cells gone, your skin tone and texture reveal a smooth, even surface.
- Bright & Supple Complexion: that hydrating serum works its magic and aids in moisture retention, balance, and circulation. This gives way to skin that is full and bright.
- Decreased oil (in excess) & breakouts: too much oil and you are prone to breakouts. Too little oil and your face is begging for moisture. This Hydrating Facial balances and regulates oil production on your face, so you feel more like you are treating your face than servicing your car.
- Enhanced Skin Care Product Absorption: because your skin has been cleansed, toned, exfoliated, and protected with this facial, the absorption of skin care products on your face will be easier to penetrate the skin. Better absorption means your skin care products have a better chance of working and supporting your skin.

Before and After